1.复旦大学 信息科学与工程学院 电磁波信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海 200433;2.中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,上海 200083
1.Key Laboratory for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves (MoE), School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;2.Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, China
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61991421)
徐新昊,王俊,王峰,孙胜利.融合密集连接与多注意力机制的星载红外遥感图像超分辨率网络[J].红外与毫米波学报,2025,44(2):251~262]. XU Xin-hao, WANG Jun, WANG Feng, SUN Sheng-li. Infrared remote sensing image super-resolution network by integration of dense connection and multi-attention mechanism[J]. J. Infrared Millim. Waves,2025,44(2):251~262.]